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Star Statements International / Top News / Noelia
latest News 112..101 <<<<
99..91 <<<< 90..81 <<<< 80..71 << << 70..61 <<<< 60..51 <<<< 50..41 <<<< 40..31 <<<< 30..21 <<<< 20..11 <<<< 10..01 






Noelia keeps on the rise on the Billboard Dance Charts! Noelia lands at position Number 14 on the Dance Music Chart, with her hit song "Kiss Me", according to the Billboard Chart Report for the upcoming Print Edition of May 19 2012. Noelia keeps climbing and closely chasing Rihanna with her hit song "Were have you been", who landed at position number 11 and leaving the Queen of Pop Madonna behind at Position number 15 with "Girl Gone Wild".















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